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Professional Jury voted for laureates selection in the competition “Architectural Award 2010-2011”.
The laureates in six professional nominations will be declared on the closed official Ceremony of awarding, which will be held on April 8 in 7 pm.
Nominees, members of Professional Jury, partners and VIP-guests will be invited to the Ceremony.
The application period for the participation in IX International Public open competition in the area of urban development and architecture “Architectural Award 2010-2011” on February 15.
On February 16 the Organizing Committee of the Award approved the list of nominees, which were previously selected by Advisory Council of the competition.
Fifty six projects became the nominees, including the following:
The final list of nominated projects is available in the section Nominees.
From 21 February to the March 4, 2011, secret ballot of Professional Jury will take place, resulting in determination of laureates in each nomination of the competition.